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I bet you haven't asked yourself that question very much, or maybe never at all. Why do I know this? Because most people with eating disorders live with them in secret, as well as the false belief that they can never fully recover. So, if you believe you will always have to live with your eating disorder, why would you waste time dreaming about what your life would be like without it?
You may be hearing that voice right now, that negative, pessimistic voice, whispering "Don't listen to HER (or HIM!), you know it's impossible to get better, don't get your hopes up". If that voice (some people call it Ed) is there, just tell it to wait a few minutes, and clear a space to answer, what *exactly* would your life look like if you were forever free? Would it include...
That's what our mission at The Body Image Counseling Center is all about.
Most everyone I've ever counseled has wanted to fully heal from their eating disorder symptoms...But too often they had been sidelined by false information they received from the internet, their own health care providers, their own negative voices, and sometimes from friends or family members who gave well-meaning, but bad advice.
Somewhere in the process they become convinced that full recovery was impossible; they would just have to hope they could somehow keep the eating disorder symptoms at bay. But they did not know this life-changing, powerful secret...
In fact, I bet most of you have worked really hard at trying to stop your eating disorder symptoms... by going "cold turkey" from purging, by keeping food you binge on out of the house, by dieting and counting calories. When you really think about it, all of that stuff takes a lot of willpower to do day after day... so you're not lazy by any measure.
Unfortunately, you are using all that hard work in the wrong way. It's not your fault - you didn't know the secret... until NOW.
For now, let's just say that this - working hard towards the wrong goals only leads to frustration, low self-esteem, and makes your eating disorder WORSE! If you see yourself going down this path (or are on it already) than the BEST thing you can do is to secure the RIGHT support and guidance to channel all of that great energy into ways of thinking and behaving that will help you kick your eating disorder once and for all.
The great news is that you don't have to reinvent the wheel. I have over twenty years of experience successfully helping people permanently recover from eating disorders quickly. I know the formula that works right away - to get you on the path to almost immediate relief of your worst eating disorder symptoms.
I can show you everything I know about how to get better fast and forever. It is my mission to help as many people recover as possible, so I'm holding NOTHING back. When you focus on the RIGHT things, use the RIGHT tools, and cut out what has not worked, your recovery is *almost* inevitable.
More to come...